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‘Who do <i>you</i> say I am?’


‘Who do you say I am?’

...Archbishop Damianos of Sinai has pointed out that the manifestation of the Holy Trinity at the Transfiguration was foreshadowed by the earlier theophany on Mount Sinai, where the voice of God, the light of the Sun of Righteousness, and the cloud of the Holy Spirit were all similarly present. Read more....


From Ascension to Pentecost, 2017


From Ascension to Pentecost, 2017

Christ opens his earthly ministry by receiving the Holy Spirit “as one of us” in the waters of the Jordan. He brings it to a close, at the Mystical Supper, with a promise to relay the gift to His followers. But to their great dismay, there is a condition. Read more...


A Word from Archbishop Damianos on the Feast Day of St. Catherine


A Word from Archbishop Damianos on the Feast Day of St. Catherine

At 5 am local time, shortly before the All-night Vigil for the Feast of St. Catherine (which had begun at 8 pm the previous evening) concluded with a procession around the outside of the Monastery’s great basilica with prayers for all the world, His Eminence Archbishop Damianos, Abbot of St. Catherine’s Monastery, addressed the following remarks to Orthodox Christians throughout the world. Read more...


Sunday of St. John Climacus, Lent 2016


Sunday of St. John Climacus, Lent 2016

A pilgrimage to the cave of St. John.

Approaching the cave of Saint John, the silence of ages seems refracted by the soaring massifs extending the passage into an almost tactile iridescence. Evanescent shades of pink, blue, purple, red, and black granite - everything but gray - succeed one another, blended by the softly charged atmosphere into an impressionistic rendering of light. Read more....


Bride of Christ, St. Catherine of Alexandria


Bride of Christ, St. Catherine of Alexandria

For the Feast Day of the Bride of Christ, St. Catherine of Alexandria.

A graceful silver ring bearing the monogram of Saint Catherine of Alexandria betokens the most ancient of societies, its earliest membership predating Christianity itself. Presented to pilgrims at Mount Sinai by the monks of St. Catherine's Greek Orthodox Monastery, the ring signifies pilgrimage to the Holy Mountain – a custom whose preservation in the memory of local populations led the earliest ascetics to settle at the Burning Bush. Read more...