Christ is Risen! “Everyone who drinks of this water will be thirsty again, but those who drink of the water that I will give them will never be thirsty.” (John 4:10) Asked what it is like to experience the Divine Liturgy as celebrant, Sinai’s Father Pavlos (Blessed memory, +March 1, 2020) says… Read more…
Christ is risen! Χριστὸς ἀνέστη! Христос воскресе! !المسيح قام In this particularly difficult Paschal season, we would like to share a very special video. Read more…
There are people with whom you’ve spoken only a little but you’ll preserve their light in your heart forever. Recalling their righteousness, you strive for it yourself. Fr. Pavlos, seen by many pilgrims as he led excursions on Mt. Sinai, was an earthly angel. Read more…
A message from the Archbishop of Sinai regarding the pandemic and the Sunday of St. John Klimakos. Read more…
With deepest sensibility, the Holy Monastery of St. Catherine of the God-trodden Mount Sinai announces that today, Cheesefare Sunday (March 1) of 2020, the venerable, ascetic and esteemed Archimandrite Pavlos Bougiouras, a distinguished member of the ancient Sinai Brotherhood, was translated to the Lord after a long and devastating illness, which he underwent with evangelic endurance, fortitude, silence and meekness. Read more…
Dear Friends of St. Catherine’s Monastery at Mount Sinai, The Monastery Fathers thank you, all the "dear sponsors," for your generosity during 2019. You have greatly helped the Monastery to meet critical expenses. The Fathers pray for the best for all of you. Read more…
How does modern culture come to grips with the sacrifices of the Great Martyrs whose legacy refuses to go away? Their names identify not only our humble selves, but the cities, schools and hospitals on our maps, while tours of the great European capitals find the secular-minded in more churches in a week than they imagined visiting in a lifetime… Read more…