"No one could describe the Word of the Father; but when He took flesh from you, O Theotokos, He accepted to be described, and restored the fallen image to its former state by uniting it to divine beauty. We confess and proclaim our salvation in word and images."
(Kontakion of the Sunday of Orthodoxy, the Feast of the Restoration of Icons)
Chanters from Greece at St. Catherine’s Feast Day 2022 (Photo from Fr. Justin’s blog: http://www.fatherjustinsblog.info)
Dear Friends of Mount Sinai Monastery, we write to you in view of the fast-approaching Nativity Festival, the time when we are reminded again how “The Word became flesh and dwelt among us” and brought a New Hope to all Christians – for “peace on Earth and goodwill towards men.”
The news from Sinai is also encouraging, says Fr. Justin: "The church was completely filled…for the Feast of Saint Catherine. Visitors are coming in greater numbers." The Monastery is welcoming pilgrims again! This is welcome news for your generous contributions made this year towards the renovations of the Monastery guesthouse and publishing of a new tourist guide for the bookstore of the Monastery in English and Arabic (see details below).
The Monastery does still need our help. As a part of an important ongoing Icon Storage Project, amongst other needs, the Monastery is also seeking to raise a further $150,000 for renovation of the icon storage room, which houses its renowned icon collection. The room had been used to store manuscripts during the renovation of the library, but now that the manuscripts have been housed again in the library, the icons will be moved back once the room is renovated and updated to efficiently and safely store this irreplaceable world treasure. (See details below.)
Renowned icons in the Monastery museum
As Archbishop Damianos of Sinai and Raitho noted, "The Monastery of Saint Catherine, known more accurately as the Sacred and Imperial Monastery of the God-Trodden Mount of Sinai, is the oldest continuously inhabited Christian monastery in the world. …The geographical isolation of the site, the perfect climatological conditions, and the zeal of the monks contributed to the preservation of the liturgical objects that accumulated over the centuries within the fortified walls of the monastery. Among these, the collection of Byzantine icons is the richest in the world, and it includes the greatest number of sixth- and seventh-century encaustic panels to have survived the scourge of Iconoclasm.
"The basilica and the chapels of the Monastery are adorned with a multitude of icons, which are thus a presence in the daily liturgical life of both the Sinai brethren and the ever-present succession of pilgrims. In this manner they fulfill to the utmost the very reason for their existence: they are the focus of both private and common prayer, and they are venerated, hymned, censed, and contemplated, so that they become most powerful buttresses in our Christian ascesis, and material supports in religious life and worship. …"
Dear Friends, your generous donations this year have again been critical for important projects at the Monastery, as well as humanitarian needs of the surrounding community. As we noted before, the Monastery was already financially strained even before the pandemic.
From the icon storage renovation plans
As of December 8, 2022, FMSM has received $79,671.23 in donations for the calendar year. We have transferred $109,900.00 (including donations from the prior year) to the bank account of St. Catherine's Monastery.
The funds were sent for the following purposes:
- $31,000 for the icon storage renovation project
- $15,000 for ingredients for the bread of the Monastery and food for the surrounding Bedouin community
- $6,000 for a local doctor to serve at the Monastery for a year, for both the monastics and surrounding Bedouin community
- $20,000 for renovations of the guest house at the Monastery
Monastery tourist guide in Arabic
- $12,900 for printing and re-issuing a tourist guide of the Monastery in English and Arabic, which will be sold in the bookstore to generate income, and a small portion for printing a pocket diary dedicated to St. John Climacus
- $25,000, to be decided: either for the icon storage renovation project or urgent needs of the Monastery
Donations to the Monastery can be made through FMSM's support page:
- https://www.mountsinaimonastery.org/support
- through your online shopping when you use Amazon Smile or iGive (please see the support page link for instructions),
- or by mailing checks made out to Friends of Mount Sinai Monastery, PO Box 231953, Encinitas, CA, 92023-1953.
Your full donations are sent to the Monastery, since FMSM's staff is volunteer and all expenses are paid for by board members.
Another way to help is to forward this to let your friends know!
We hope and pray that you and your loved ones stay safe and have a blessed Nativity Feast!
Detail of a 12th century Sinai Nativity icon – Flight into Egypt
Many Blessings and thanks from the Fathers of Saint Catherine’s Monastery in Sinai!
- You can visit a museum tour of St. Catherine's Monastery and explore and marvel at their famous ancient icons at: https://stcatherines.mused.org/en/tours/2/the-monastery-museum
This site also has virtual tours of a part of the Monastery and the Summit of Mount Sinai.
- Please visit FMSM's Facebook page, which lets you see the many facets of the Sinai Monastery’ fascinating history, daily life and events: https://www.facebook.com/ForStCatherinesMonastery